Senator Feighan raises possible extension of Boyle Garda Station opening hours with Justice Minister
Senator Frank Feighan has raised the issue of extending Boyle Garda Station’s opening hours with the Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald.
“I have written to Minister Fitzgerald to establish if there are resources available to extend the opening hours at Boyle Garda Station.
“The station’s opening times were always subject to review and I have asked the Minister to examine the opening hours in Boyle in this context.
“When the new opening times were introduced early last year, Minister Fitzgerald explained that these arrangements were designed to free up Garda personnel for outdoor policing duties who otherwise would be engaged in keeping the station open to the public.
“I think now is a good time for a formal examination of the existing opening hours and to establish if resources are available to further extend these hours to the public.”