June 9th 2017
Feighan welcomes funding approval for ASD unit at Boyle
Community College
Senator Frank
Feighan has welcomed funding approval for a new Autistic Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) unit at the Abbey Community College in Boyle
“I am
delighted that this funding has been approved by the Department of Education
for this ASD unit which I have lobbied strongly for on behalf of the
announcement clearly demonstrates the Government’s commitment to supporting
children with special educational needs.
funding allocation is great news for the Boyle secondary school and works will
proceed once the tendering process has been completed.
“Projects such
as these also help to stimulate economic activity by supporting jobs in the
local economy.
“It is
important to note that no details are given in relation to the amount of the
grant-aid approved as the publication of the level of funding could prejudice
the tendering process.
“The School Building Unit will issue a detailed letter
informing the school of the amount of grant aid sanctioned by the Department.”