Thursday, October 11, 2018

Feighan welcomes inclusion of Boyle in Pilot Residential Occupancy Scheme

*€100,000 funding allocated to develop plans with local stakeholders to attract more people to live in the town centre

Senator Frank Feighan has welcomed the inclusion of Boyle as one of the six towns included in the Town and Village Pilot Residential Occupancy Scheme.
“This pilot scheme, announced by Minister Michael Ring today, is aimed at encouraging more people to live in the centre of the town.
“Funding of €100,000 has been made available in order for Boyle to prepare a plan with practical solutions to increase the number of people living in our rural towns.
“This pilot scheme will consider ways in which properties that are currently not in use can be renovated to allow them to be used for residential purposes. This is all about encouraging people to move back into town centres such as Boyle.
“This one of the key objectives of the Boyle 2040 plan which was launched recently. This pilot scheme will have a two-fold effect: it will help rejuvenate the town centre while also contributing to the housing needs of people.
“As Michael Ring has said, this pilot initiative will allow six Local Authorities, including Roscommon County Council, to develop and test different innovative models which are considered appropriate for towns of different sizes and in different locations.  The learnings from this approach will help to provide an indication as to what might work well for similar types of town on a wider scale.”
Contact: Senator Feighan, (086) 8331234.

Friday, October 5, 2018

€780,000 has been allocated to County Roscommon

 €780,000 allocated to Roscommon under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme

€780,000 has been allocated to County Roscommon under the Government’s Town and Village Renewal Scheme, Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan has said.

“My colleague, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, has confirmed to me today that Roscommon will benefit from €780,000 in funding under  the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The beneficiaries are as follows:
 • Athleague Development of a local economic and community action plan €100,000
• Ballaghaderreen Town enhancement project €100,000
• Boyle Town Centre Development Project €200,000
• Monksland Development of a skate park €100,000
• Rooskey Improvement of the village townscape  €100,000
• Roscommon Improvement of facilities at Roscommon Castle €100,000
• Strokestown Enhance building frontage & purchase chalet type stalls and marquee €80,000
“Fine Gael in Government is using the benefits of the economic recovery to support the growth and development of rural Ireland, and the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key part of the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development. The Scheme focuses on projects which can help to enhance rural towns and villages with populations of less than 5,000 people, with a particular emphasis on stimulating economic development.
“Almost €53 million has been approved for more than 670 projects across the country under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme since it was introduced in the second half of 2016.
 “The Government’s commitment to supporting rural Ireland is further underscored through the new €1 billion Rural Regeneration and Development Fund which was launched this year as part of project Ireland 2040. This new Fund will provide an opportunity to deliver more integrated and ambitious projects which will further support the revitalisation of our rural towns and villages in the coming years.
 “Today’s announcement gives a real boost to communities in towns and villages across Roscommon.”

Contact: Senator Feighan, (086) 8331234.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Government Review of contributory pensions

Feighan reports progress in Government Review of contributory pensions

Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan today reported progress on the Government’s review of those in receipt of reduced Contributory Pensions. 

“The Government’s review of pensions, announced earlier this year, applies to people whose rate of entitlement was assessed based on pension rate band changes introduced in 2012.  The review will provide for an alternative total contributions approach re-calculation for contributory pensioners born on or after the 1st September 1946 and new Home Caring Periods to take account of time spent out of the workplace for parenting or caring duties.  

“The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection is currently working on legislation to implement the new arrangements as well as a new information technology system to be developed in line with the legislation. Both of these measures are at a very advanced stage.   

 “My colleague Minister Regina Doherty has confirmed to me that letters will issue to the pensioners concerned at the end of October, to explain to them what is happening and how the review will work. This will no doubt be welcomed by all affected, particularly women who have been disproportionally affected. 

“Work has been ongoing within the Department of Social Protection to prepare legislation and design IT systems to deal with the changes since they were announced. With additional temporary staff recruited, this work is on target to see the pensions review process commence in the coming weeks, and so it is planned for the first payments to be made in the first quarter of 2019. 

“It is expected that, where increases are awarded, these payments will be backdated, where relevant, to the end of March 2018, or later where a person reached their 66th birthday since that date.    

“No pensioner will be worse off as a result of this review. Where a pensioner does not benefit from the measures introduced, they will continue to receive their existing rate of entitlement. However Minister Doherty has informed me she expects the majority of those who were adversely affected to be positively impacted by the recalculation and moved to a new, higher payment.”

Contact: Senator Feighan, (086) 8331234.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Launch of Boyle 2040, October 1st 2018

Launch of Boyle 2040, October 1st 2018

Minister, County Manager, Cathaoirleach, Deputies, Senator, Councillors, ladies and gentleman, distinguished guests - I am delighted to be here today in my home town for the launch of this ambitious plan for Boyle.
This truly is a roadmap for the town, a plan which dovetails perfectly with the Government’s Project 2040 initiative. I lobbied extremely hard to ensure County Roscommon and Boyle were included in the Government’s €4 billion Capital Development Plan.
Indeed, Boyle is one of the few towns name-checked in the Government’s blueprint document and I am delighted that today’s launch of Boyle 2040 will mark the beginning of a major rejuvenation of the town centre.
Boyle 2040 plan is clearly the blueprint for the future development of the town. I am delighted that the document includes proposals for the former Royal Hotel site along with linkages to the planned Lough Key to Boyle Greenway.
For decades, Boyle, not being a county town or regional town, suffered unduly. However, I truly believe that now with Boyle 2040, our town will - and deservedly so - get preferential treatment.
I am confident that this plan will become the cornerstone for the revival of the town and surrounding areas.
Clearly, Boyle 2040 is a wonderful testament to the work of many people over the last number of years, not least Roscommon County Council and Boyle Town Team.
To conclude, we all know Boyle has so much to offer in terms of rich heritage and natural amenities. Indeed, we have Lough Key Forest Park, the jewel in the crown.  Twenty years ago, as chairperson of  Lough Key Forest Park Action Group, I successfully brought together the unique partnership of Roscommon County Council and Coillte. That partnership has transformed the Park into one of the country’s top national tourist and visitor attractions.
I believe this latest partnership between the Council, Boyle Town team and stakeholders will be equally fruitful and productive and, as a member of Government, I look forward to supporting this plan in whatever possible,
Thank you