Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hairdresser and Barber Businesses Need Greater Clarity on Public Health Requirements.

Sligo – Leitrim Fine Gael T.D. Frank Feighan has called on the Government and the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) to provide hairdresser and barber businesses nationwide with greater clarity on the public health requirements they will need to adhere to when reopening. 

Deputy Feighan said, “I have written to the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphries T.D. today to outline directly to her office, the concerns of the industry over the lack of clarity around the public health arrangements that will be required for hairdresser and barber businesses reopening on 20th July 2020.  

“Being able to plan ahead for this industry is vital for its survival. 

“My team and I have been busy speaking directly with local businesses owners across Sligo, Leitrim, South Donegal and North Roscommon in recent days about their concerns and it is clear that greater information is needed to enable businesses to plan and react to the changes that will be needed post 20th July. 

“As a result, many local businesses are now seeking greater advice from Government about how they can begin to prepare to re-open in the absence of any NPHET guidelines.

“Issues of importance for the businesses I have spoken with are PPE requirements for the industry and the size of the capacity restrictions required. 

“I am advised that accessing PPE is already proving very difficult and that this difficulty is expected to increase as the 20th of July approaches. It is felt that clearer guidance is needed now so that they can source and obtain the correct PPE in time for reopening without putting pressure on vital supply lines for front line staff.  

“Currently, local businesses are grouping together and seeking to make informed decisions as best they can themselves based on international best practice, and from the advice of suppliers. However, they are conscious of the fact that these decisions may not coincide with the public advice here when it is made and as such, they may be making financial decisions that will fall foul of the Health & Safety Authority in July. 

“I am seeking greater clarity form Government and the NPHET on this particular issue on behalf of this industry” concluded Feighan 

Frank Feighan 

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